A groundbreaking guided course unlocking drawing through focussed Eye - Brain - Hand skills.
Service Description
LEARN TO DRAW ANYTHING (really well) HOW IT WORKS: You’ll be guided through a series of challenges and exercises that explore how the brain works while attempting to draw. Rather than seeing the task as a test and more as a limbering-up or loosening of your self-criticism and allowing you to make mistakes that ultimately lead to hand-eye skill and coordination development. Some are sceptical- in fact some say “ I could never draw…… I’m not really a creative person” “ I just don’t have natural talent”. But this course will truly surprise you as you experience breakthroughs in your ability, choice, materials, and begins a journey as a someone who can draw anything.
Cancellation Policy
After booking and payment your session is guranteed and is valid for the dates selected.
Contact Details
+44 7824448892
Ground floor kiosk, 25 Prince Edward Street, Govanhill, Glasgow, UK